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  • 🔥 is your inner voice holding you back?

🔥 is your inner voice holding you back?

... Discover how to turn your inner dialogue into your biggest asset..



Imagine closing deals surrounded by a bit of nature. Adding indoor plants to your office isn’t just about aesthetics - studies show they can reduce stress, boost creativity, and even help with productivity. A more inviting space can make clients feel at ease, and let’s be honest, a little greenery never hurt anyone’s mood.

Today’s read time: 4 minutes, 47 seconds.

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Turning your inner voice into your strongest ally

Shane Kempton, Harcourts WA CEO. Image Supplied

Shane Kempton, CEO of Harcourts WA, shines a spotlight on the often-overlooked power of self-talk, highlighting how our internal dialogue can make or break our success

While real estate professionals spend much of their time communicating with clients, colleagues, and the market, Shane urges that the most critical conversation we have is with ourselves.

"Our inner voice, the constant chatter in our minds, can be the most impactful voice we will ever listen to," he said.

This internal dialogue can either empower us to achieve more or hold us back from realising our full potential. Shane explains how recognising and reframing negative self-talk can help transform doubt into motivation.


Awareness is key

Shane stresses that the first step in harnessing the power of self-talk is becoming aware of negative thoughts.

"Start noticing when you're being self-critical," he advises. Pay attention to what you’re saying to yourself, and question whether it’s constructive or destructive. This awareness is vital because, as Shane points out, "both our conscious and unconscious minds are listening, taking these thoughts as instructions on how to live."

Simply noticing these thoughts gives us the opportunity to change them.

Challenge negative thoughts

Once you're aware of your negative self-talk, it’s important to challenge it.

"Ask yourself, 'Is this really true? Would I say this to a friend?’” says Shane. In most cases, you’ll find that your inner critic is exaggerating, distorting reality, or simply being unfair. He explains that much of this negativity stems from outdated survival mechanisms, explaining that "our minds still react to stress and setbacks with the same intensity" as when our ancestors faced physical dangers. While this reaction was useful in the past, today, it can hold us back if not addressed.

Reframe the dialogue

Shane also encourages reframing negative statements into positive ones. Instead of saying, "I'm terrible at this," replace it with, "I'm still learning, and I'm getting better every day." He shares his own method of dealing with doubt: "Whenever I catch myself falling into a negative spiral, I use it as a trigger to shift my mindset." For instance, if he starts doubting himself, he counters the thought by reminding himself, "Yes, I may not be where I want to be yet, but I am doing the daily actions, and I'm on track." This simple reframing turns a moment of insecurity into one of motivation.

AI Powered Agents


Ajay Patel has rebranded his independent agency, Consult Realty, to RE/MAX Consultants and opened a new office in Booval, Queensland. Focused on property and business growth, Mr Patel joined RE/MAX to leverage its global brand, industry support, and training opportunities. With his son Darsh leading property management and top agent Sam Armstrong on the sales team, Patel aims to expand his business to meet the growing demands of the Ipswich region. RE/MAX Australia managing director, Joel Davoren, welcomed Mr Patel’s decision to align with the brand. “Ajay fits RE/MAX Australia’s strategy of selecting franchise partners who share core values and are well-established in their market,” he said.

“There’s been huge growth throughout the Ipswich region and Ajay and his team will no doubt add a much needed service to the community.”

Read more about the journey of RE/MAX Consultants here.*



Spring listings surge slows housing market
The property market is cooling off, with national dwelling values rising just 0.4 per cent in September. The influx of spring listings has outpaced buyer demand, leading to softer conditions for sellers. Auction clearance rates have dropped below the decade average, and properties are taking longer to sell. Despite this, lower-priced markets continue to outperform, with values up 12.4 per cent over the past year.

Affordable homes lead price growth
The property market is seeing an unexpected trend: cheaper homes are outpacing luxury properties in price growth. Houses in the lowest percentile have increased by 12.2 per cent in the last year, while high-end homes are experiencing a slowdown. Perth and Regional WA continue to show robust growth, with house prices up 23 per cent for the year.

Alistair Macmillian’s unconventional real estate journey
Ray White Head of Performance and Recognition Bianca Denham recently sat down with Alistair Macmillian at Ray White Wilston to talk about his unique real estate career path. From being asked to leave school in Grade 10 to working various sales jobs before entering real estate in 1999 (with brief stints in cinema advertising and a Subway franchise in between) he returned to real estate in 2004 and hasn’t looked back.

Check out the video here

AI Guide for Real Estate


Lost in translation

Today’s curated list is about why unclear emails cost workers time and sanity. Atlassian's research shows that more than a third of office workers waste a full work week annually deciphering vague emails. Poor communication creates confusion and emotional stress, and it turns out that “We need to talk” is scarier than “You’re fired.”

Dive straight into the listen below or the deeper dive here.

Read the article from the Financial Review here


When closing day turns into a mini Oscars! This real estate agent rolled out an actual red carpet, complete with balloons, red ribbon, and a bottle of wine, making sure her clients felt like A-list celebs. Who knew buying a home came with its own awards ceremony? 🎈🏆


Its Closing Day 🏡🎉🔥 Your Texas Realtor 🫶🏼 210/760/5293 REAL LLC, #sellingsanantonio #texasrealestate #texasrealtor #moving #movingtotexa... See more

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Elite Agent is crewed by Mark Edwards, Catherine Nikas-Boulos, Rowan Crosby, Giverny Pringle, Charmagne Arrubio and Samantha McLean. We aim to uplift the real estate industry by delivering forward-thinking, hype-free news and education that fosters knowledge and fuels ambition.

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